The COVID-19 outbreak has halted the global economy and played havoc with the U.S. stock market. Over the last few weeks, the market has been especially unpredictable, jumping up one day only to fall back down the next.
This has left many people unsure of what to make about this volatility. So how on earth could a bear market be a good time to get into futures trading?
Well, if you have some spare time and cash during this pandemic, here are a few reasons why it might be worth getting into the market.
Now Is The BEST Time To Be In The Market. Here’s why…
(1) Unemployment Is Skyrocketing
If your job has been negatively impacted by the pandemic, you need to replace that lost income. Trading can take months to master but you’ll be learning skills that can augment or possibly even replace your income.
(2) You Can Trade From Home
If you’re under a “shelter in place” order, you need to be able to work from home. With futures trading, all you need is a good Internet connection, a decent computer, some trading software, and a reliable strategy.
(3) Write Your Own Ticket
Not everyone has what it takes to be a successful day trader. But if you are fully committed and put in the time to study and practice, you may find yourself with more freedom than you’ve ever had before.
A Helping Hand in These Tough Times
Getting into the market in uncertain times like this can be overwhelming. If you have questions about where to start, be sure to get our free training video on appointment-based trades.